Maduro's Reign of Terror: Sanctions, Expulsions, and Calls for Justice

Venezuelan watch dog agency Foro Penal is reporting at least six deaths and hundreds more being detained for participating in protests against the declaration of victory in Sunday’s elections made by the Nicolas Maduro government.

Venezuelan people protesting corrupt elections. Reuters photo

Some international news agencies have reported that some 700 people have been detained. Word coming from Washington DC is that there could be targeted sanctions against officials linked to the elections and even travels bans should the United States demands for greater transparency on the count that ultimately revealed Nicolas Maduro as the winner of Sunday’s poll.

Meanwhile, Venezuelan authorities have taken some swift and decisive action of their own by announcing the removal of diplomatic personnel from several Latin American countries, after these countries questioned the legitimacy of the votes in favor of Maduro.

Argentina, Chile, Costa Rica, Peru, Panama, Dominican Republic, and Uruguay are among the countries named in a statement, which also demands that the governments of these countries immediately withdraw their representatives from Venezuela. Also on Tuesday Costa Rica's Foreign Minister Arnoldo Andre announced that his country is prepared to give political asylum or refuge status to Venezuelan opposition leader Maria Corina Machado and presidential candidate Edmundo Gonzalez, after being informed that warrants for their arrests had been issued.

Venezuelans protesting election. Washington Post Photo

Calls for transparency have also come from the European Union. In a published statement from High Representative Josep Borrell, the European bloc called on the “Venezuelan Electoral Council (CNE) to exercise maximum transparency in the process of results tabulation, including the granting of immediate access to the voting records of each polling station and the publication of disaggregated election results.”

The EU also urged Venezuelan authorities to ensure the full and timely investigation of any post-electoral complaints and grievances. Calls for calm have also come from countries everywhere. 


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