Digital Defense Toolkit

Empowerment through Knowledge: Our Anti-Disinformation Toolkit

Overview of Toolkit

In an age where the lines between truth and falsehood blur, the power to discern reality becomes paramount. The very essence of our nation, its rich heritage, and the future of our people are at stake, threatened by the relentless tide of disinformation washing over the digital landscape. This is where our journey begins—a crusade not just for truth, but for the soul of Guyana itself.

The Guyana Digital Resistance has forged an arsenal unlike any other: a comprehensive Anti-Disinformation Toolkit designed to arm you, the guardians of our heritage, with the knowledge and skills necessary to defend our nation. From the lush landscapes of our beloved country to the vibrant stories that weave the fabric of our cultural identity, every aspect of Guyana deserves protection against the onslaught of digital falsehoods.

 General Resources


Understanding Disinformation- A Primer

This primer seeks to shed light on the mechanics of disinformation, its implications, and the vital importance of cultivating a discerning public. Read More

Guide to Understanding National Patrimony

National patrimony includes treasures vital to a country's identity. This guide highlights their importance and the need for preservation, emphasizing the collective responsibility to protect our heritage for future generations.

Disinformation exploits our biases and emotions to spread lies. Recognizing its key traits is crucial for separating truth from deliberate falsehoods.

Identifying Disinformation

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Understanding the terminology is crucial for navigating and countering deceptive information. This glossary provides a concise overview of key terms frequently encountered in discussions about disinformation

Glossary of key Terms


Tools and Techniques for Counteracting Disinformation

Educational and Communication Strategies:

Building Resilience and Long-Term Strategies


Guidelines Map . Guidelines Map .

Countering Deception: 5 Steps to Responding to Venezuela's Propaganda on Social Media

True seekers must verify sources, counter bias, engage in constructive dialogue, educate others, and report misinformation to safeguard Guyana's narrative. As the world witnesses Venezuela's attempts to manipulate public opinion, it is essential to emphasize that the Essequibo unequivocally belongs to Guyana. In the face of this propaganda, Guyana's historical and legal claims remain resilient, and it is anticipated that Venezuelan efforts will ultimately fail.

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Ready to Resist?

Your voice, your skills, your passion – they are the arsenal we need. Sign up today to become a part of the Guyana Digital Resistance. Together, we will ensure that the future of Guyana remains bright and unyielding to the forces that seek to undermine it.